Citrullus lanatus
The Sugar Baby Watermelon is beloved by home gardeners everywhere. The melons have incredibly sweet red-orange flesh and are packaged small at just six to ten pounds. Their compact vines produce plenty of fruit with thin rinds that start out striped and turn dark green when ripe. This watermelon is referred to as an icebox type due to its size, appropriate for any refrigerator.
It makes a great melon for any home gardeners and market growers will appreciate its keeping ability and productive vines as well! The Sugar Baby Watermelon will produce six to eight foot-long vines – a good bit shorter than other watermelon varieties – which makes them delightful for smaller spaces. You can either direct sow watermelon seeds outside or give them a head start indoors four weeks before your average last frost date, a wise choice if you have a short growing season. Either way, as with most cold-sensitive summer crops, wait until two weeks after your area’s average last frost date to get them outside to be sure that warm weather is here to stay. Where we are in Western NC, this typically means we’re planting watermelon seeds from the second half of May through the end of June. Check out the How to Grow tab for more information! Full sun. Annual.