Pleurotus ostreatus var columbinus
The Blue Oyster mushroom is a sub species of the Pearl Oyster that exhibits a notable blue-gray hue. The color contrast between the darker caps and pale gills give them a truly stunning appearance. Native to Western Europe, the Blue Oyster thrives in cooler temperatures. We’ve found the Blue Oyster is identical in taste and texture to the Pearl Oyster and have yet to be able to distinguish the two in a blind taste test. They are just as versatile in a wide range of recipes. > These seemingly innocent small pieces of wood are carrying a secret. They have been inoculated with pure mushroom mycelium and when inserted into a log or stump can provide a delicious surprise. Consider these plugs the seed of mushroom and turn your yard into a forager’s delight. For plug health, keep refrigerated until ready to use. (5 Oz Package, contains 100 plugs)